Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 10, 2015

What made a good stroller?

There are so many things to consider when you come to buy a good stroller for the little baby and toddler, which brands and types of stroller that best suit you and your kid. In the market, there is type of strollers that are designed for strolling for short hours and some heavy duty types of them are suitable for parents who involve in more activities such as recreational adventures. Once you have decided what type of baby stroller to buy, it is time to look at all different features available at different brands.
Firstly, look at the wheels and handles of the stroller. A good stroller should have an adjustable handle in case the height of the parents who push the stroller are varied. Also, an adjustable push bar helps the parents to reduce some backache stiff when strolling with the kids. Other smart solutions for the kid to sit comfortably in the stroller are adjustable footrest and backrest. The backrest that can fully recline gives extra credits for the comfort of young babies. The next thing that adds to additional good features such as an adjustable shopping basket, a removable padded bumper bar, a canopy, a rain hood, toy bars, drink holders and diaper bags are as complimentary accessories. Some brands sell these accessories independently which gives the parents some freedom to choose what they like to add on to the stroller.
Another aspect to consider when buying a good stroller is to look at the wheels. Larger wheels in the general rule, offer less resistance and are best for jogging and strolling over the rough path, curbs, and steps. Smaller wheels are easier to turn and walk on smooth surfaces and  are great for use indoors. Usually, when parents are strolling at the mall, on city streets, carnivals, and at the zoo, the stroller which comes with a maneuverable front wheel are easier to turn the stroller.

Besides, parents should check the brakes and its folding mechanism of the stroller to ensure it is easy to fold when not in use.  An extra feature such as a hydraulic folding system which can unfold itself completely so that you could enjoy minimal handling with a touch of one button.

Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 10, 2015

Best Doulbe Stroller Reviews and Buying Guide

Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood! Being a parent means a lot of things in the early years, such as dirty diapers and sleepless nights. As a new parent you will also need to have the proper equipment needed for your child (or children). You are going to want to invest in the best baby strollers so that your infants are safe and comfortable. This includes cribs, baby car seats, and especially, an infant stroller. And if you have more than one young child (or even twins) you will no doubt be in the market for the best double stroller you can find. You can find many guide to choose a good double stroller online, just like this website!

How to choose the best double stroller

question markSo if you are in the market for the best double stroller, there are going to be a few things you will want to look for during your search. The most fundamental decision is choosing which type of double stroller you want. With a variety of baby travel systems to choose from, the buyer needs to figure out what usage their stroller will see (beyond transporting the children). Other elements to consider are:
• Construction. The best double stroller you are going to want is going to be well built. No parent wants the horror of a stroller falling to pieces as they are out and about.
• The best double stroller will store away easily when not in use. Storage becomes an issue if space is limited (i.e. apartment dwellers).
• How well does the stroller transport? The best double strollers are going to fold up and fit in the trunk/SUV better than others.
There are three basic double stroller models to consider. When looking for the top baby strollers you may find some variation on these models, but this is a good start.
• Side-by-side – This version is probably the most common model for double baby strollers. The child passengers ride side by side in the stroller. This gives the babies identical positioning, but does have the disadvantage of making the stroller extra wide. The best double stroller in the side by side category is designed to minimize the width while not sacrificing any passenger comfort.
• Tandem – The tandem double stroller places the children inline (i.e. front to back) as opposed to the side positioning of a side by side model. The tandem stroller allows the stroller to fit through narrower doors and hallways, but the tandem double stroller does have the negative quality of being heftier and harder to store away than a tandem model. An added bonus of the tandem model is that some versions allow carrier style car seats to be placed in the stroller.
• Jogger – Looking like a combination of baby stroller and bicycle, the jogger model is the best double stroller for the physically active parent who wants to keep fit even with the kids in tow. Comprised of a heavy duty frame and built with air-filled tires, these strollers are made to keep the children comfortable while the parent jogs. Due to the heavier construction these models are heavier and potentially more difficult to store away.
The various baby stroller brands in this guide will cover these types of strollers.

Most popular types of double strollers

For the most part the best double strollers are either the side by side or tandem models. This popularity means you will have no lack of choices when deciding the best double stroller to buy. When choosing a double stroller you will have to take some details into consideration that may help your decision-making process. Be sure to consider the size of a side by side when compared with a tandem double stroller. Some parents point out that a side by side double stroller can be annoying when trying to squeeze through a tight doorway or passageway. Of course, tandem strollers can be difficult to control due to the length of the stroller. As with anything, there are pluses and minuses to each model. As individual models are considered, be sure to consider these qualities.

categories of best double stroller

Double Stroller Side by Side

double stroller side by side png ribbonSo like the name says, a side by side stroller is built so that the children can sit next to each other. Some parents feel this feature keeps the kids content because they are on equal footing as far as positions are concerned. This style of double stroller also allows for a nice range of reclining for the kids to nap. The best double stroller design also allows for reasonable maneuverability so that parents can easily get around. The downside to this design is that it is wide. So you will have to be aware of narrow doors or hard to squeeze through places.

Lightweight double stroller (side by side)

There are several models of the best double strollers on the market. Here are a few that might meet your needs.
The best model: Britax B-Agile 2012 Double Stroller by Britax USAThe best model: Britax B-Agile 2012 Double Stroller by Britax USA
Britax makes one of the best double strollers and a really top notch double stroller that will allow the children to travel in style. It is built on a lightweight aluminum foundation and is not overly wide (coming in at 30.5 inches) which means you should be able to fit through most doorways. For parental comfort, the stroller comes with a height adjustable handle. For the passengers, they can enjoy large canopies with ventilation windows and fully reclining seats. On the safety front, the stroller is equipped with linked parking brake locks for the rear wheels.
Additionally, the front wheels on the Britax stroller will lock for an extra level of safety when parking the stroller.
You will find that the stroller offers plenty of storage for your usual infant transport needs.
Britax offers a nicely constructed, high-end model double stroller that endures the riders will be comfortable when riding along. While the price (mid $400) is not cheap, this is an example of getting your money’s worth.
Top budget model: Combi Twin Sport DX Stroller by Combi.
Top budget model: Combi Twin Sport DX Stroller by Combi
The Combi Twin Sport DX is the best double stroller when considering the great combination of features, function and price. The DX is a lightweight double stroller that includes plenty of storage for the out and about parent. The breathable mesh fabric should help keep the crankiest of infant passengers comfortable as they are pushed along. The adjustable canopies include viewing windows to will keep the small passengers happy while strapped in with the 5 point harness system. A nice touch on the DX is that the canopies also have built in storage pockets. No parent will ever argue about too much storage.
The whole double stroller can fold up in seconds and is self-standing, if needed. And while some of the advertising shows the DX being carried over the shoulder with its shoulder strap when folded, this may be a bit optimistic since the stroller can be a bit bulky. This is just a small nit for an otherwise great pick (of a double stroller).
Our choice model: Peg Perego Aria Twin Stroller by Peg PeregoOur choice model: Peg Perego Aria Twin Stroller by Peg Perego
The Aria stroller is a peg Perego stroller and is a great double stroller that is a perfect fit for twins or similar aged kids. The Aria is lightweight and compact, while also being nicely maneuverable as you make your way. Unlike some other strollers, the Aria is designed to be able to fit through standard doorways and the effortless steering of the Aria means that even tight conditions can be navigated easily.
For you little passengers, the peg Perego double stroller provides comfortable, secure seating. The standard amenities, such as independent canopies for each rider, secure harnesses and easy to clean fabrics are built into the stroller.
The peg Perego strollers get big props for how effortlessly it folds down and even gets good notices for its compactness when folded up. This should be invaluable for parents who have limited storage space. Of course, the Aria’s compact folded mode means traveling is that much easier. Any parent who has had to fly with a stroller in tow knows the nightmare of hauling around a bulky clumsy folded stroller. The Aria might not eliminate that issue, but it can reduce it (and the stress than comes long).

Double jogging stroller (Side by Side type)

The best model: BOB Revolution SE Duallie StrollerThe best model: BOB Revolution SE Duallie Stroller – Full Review
The Bob stroller model called the Duallie is an amazing jogging double stroller. And it should be for the money it costs. This double stroller is built for the comfort of its tiny passengers while experiencing the active lifestyle of the person pushing the stroller.
The Bob revolution stroller’s lightweight frame is strong enough to stand up to a rigorous workout and yet light enough to allow for easy folding and transport or storage. The front wheels offer full rotation for maximum maneuverability. The Dualiie’s adaptable suspension will provide the passengers with a remarkably smooth journey.
The bob baby stroller has plenty of storage space for both child and adult needs. This model of Bob strollers is a nice, high-end stroller for the adult looking to stay active while keeping close with the children. It is manufactured to the highest standards and uses top notch materials. The Duallie is a great Bob jogging stroller and will ensure the kids are comfortable while you workout (or just take a leisurely stroll).
Top budget model: InStep Safari Swivel Wheel Double Jogger by Pacific CycleTop budget model: InStep Safari Swivel Wheel Double Jogger by Pacific Cycle
Looking to stay active while about and about with the toddlers and wanting to do it on a budget? Well then, the InStep Safari Swivel Wheel Double Jogger by Pacific Cycle might just be the double jogger stroller you have been looking for.
The Safari offers locking front wheels that go from swivel and fixed allowing for maximum performance and maneuverability depending on the conditions. The front and rear pneumatic tires provide comfort for the children and maximum performance for the operator.
Each of the individual passenger seats has their own cup holder and tray so that there will be no skirmishes between the two. Each rider also gets there own sun shade to protect them from the bright light (or rain).
For the price, the Safari offers some great features and should make any active parent happy to get out and about with the kids.
Our choice model: Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller by Baby JoggerOur choice model: Baby Jogger City Mini GT Double Stroller by Baby Jogger
Here is a nice double jogger stroller that is great for all-terrain use. The City Mini GT offers its owner some interesting features. For one, its patented Quick-Fold technology allows the user to fold the stroller in one step. The swivel front wheels are capable of being locked in position for smooth, long distance walking. Combine that with front wheel suspension and the ride is very comfortable.
The universal accessory mounting bracket built into the Mini GT allows you to add various accessories to the stroller travel system. For the toddlers, the thick padded seats recline to almost a flat position for maximum comfort.
The mini GT offers great maneuverability in all situations and incorporates several safety features such as a hand-operated parking brake and comfortably padded five point harness systems for the passengers.
The Mini GT is a great double jogger for the parent looking for a great active lifestyle double stroller.

Double umbrella stroller (Side by Side type)

The best model: Dream On Me / Mia Moda Facile Twin Stroller by Mia ModaThe best model: Dream On Me / Mia Moda Facile Twin Stroller by Mia Moda
This model of Mia Moda strollers is a nice affordable double stroller that offers your standard features. Your tiny passengers are going to appreciate (even if they can’t articulate it) the multiple and individual seat recline. This is prefect for meeting the individual needs of your independent riders.
The Facile is built on a lightweight frame with a nice suspension for comfortable riding. A nice touch is that the canopies can be detached for when conditions permit allowing the toddlers to enjoy the full view.
The double stroller offers compact folding for ease of transport and storage. The Facile offers a great double stroller for a reasonable price. The only caveat to consider is that some users report that it takes some practice to learn how to break the stroller down and unfold it for use. Just keep this in mind and you should be happy.
Top budget model: Delta City Street Side by Side Stroller, Black by DeltaTop budget model: Delta City Street Side by Side Stroller, Black by Delta
The Delta City Street Side by Side Stroller is a nice budget priced double umbrella stroller that meets the needs of parents. While this stroller may lack some features of higher priced models (i.e a three point harness as opposed to a five point harness), the Delta City Street still proves comfort and security.
The Delta meets all ASTM safety standards and CPSC requirements. This should provide peace of mind for parents. The lightweight frame makes the stroller light to push and transport when broken down. The material that the stroller is made out of is very durable and cleans up well from the spills the tiny tykes will no doubt cause.
If you are in the market for a budget double umbrella stroller the Delta City Side by Side Stroller is a good purchase. As long as you are not looking for the fanciest of features, you can make out really well with this stroller.
Our choice model: Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller by Kolcraft)Our choice model: Jeep Wrangler Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller by Kolcraft
Bearing the Jeep Wrangler brand, the Twin Sport All-Weather Umbrella Stroller is a very affordable double stroller that is great for most weather conditions. The JPMA certified stroller offers independent adjustable backrests so that your passengers will always be comfortable when traveling. And they will be safely secured thanks to the three point safety harness.
During warm or cold weather the stroller can be configured to keep the kids happy. Side storage options mean that parents and kids can always have the necessities on hand. The stroller is very maneuverable for a double sided stroller. Its width might cause the user to have to angle the stroller to get through a doorway, but this is a minor issue once you get the hang of it. The lightweight frame makes the stroller more comfortable to breakdown for portability or storage.
The Jeep Wrangler is a great, inexpensive double umbrella stroller that lives up to its all-weather name.

Double Stroller Tandem

double stroller tandem png ribbonThe opposite of a side by side stroller, a tandem stroller (also known as an in-line stroller) has the seats in front of the back seat. This design allows for greater access because the stroller usually has no issues fitting through doorways. However, the design means the stroller is less maneuverable when compared to the side by side model. Some users might consider this a deal breaker, but others feel the ability to fit through a doorway with no issues a bigger deal. Another bonus is that the tandem stroller usually has plenty of storage underneath thanks to the length of the stroller. Just another feature to consider.

Lightweight double stroller (Tandem type)

The best model: Optima Tandem Stroller by ContoursThe best model: Optima Tandem Stroller by Contours
The Optima Tandem stroller is the best double stroller since it offers some great versatility for positioning the kids. The Contour stroller double offers six different seating options with the independently reclining seats. These include facing the operator, the kids facing each other, facing forward and back-to-back positions. The canopies can be individually positioned for maximum coverage. Each canopy has viewing panels that allows the parents to keep an eye on their passengers.
The five point safety harnesses are height adjustable so that as your kids sprout up they won’t outgrow the harnesses. Padded headrests provide a nice level of comfort while out and about. As far as storage is concerned, the extra large storage area underneath the seats should hold most items needed.
The Optima Stroller has a car seat attachment that accepts most brands of car seats. Contours offers additional car seat attachments separately. So you should be able to find an attachment that fits whatever car seat you own. Overall the Optima Contour double stroller offers a lot of versatility in a great package.
Top budget model: Graco DuoGlider - Dragonfly by GracoTop budget model: Graco DuoGlider – Dragonfly by Graco
The Graco Dragonfly is part of the Graco travel system and one of the best double strollers in the budget category. The setup of the stroller is nice since the rear seat sit a bit higher so that the rear passenger has an unobstructed view, though this does allow for the kicking of the back of the front seat. The Dragonfly has a nice compact profile when compared to other tandem double strollers.
The Dragonfly has a reputation for folding and unfolding easily. This can come in handy for the harried parent. Like most tandem strollers the storage underneath is copious and should meet the needs of the stroller users.
The Dragonfly has a sturdy, solid build even with its lightweight material construction. This also adds to the maneuverability of the stroller. Another nice attribute allows the rear seat to fold down completely so that the passenger can lay flat to sleep. This is a much appreciated feature.
D3 - Our choice model: Contours Options LT Tandem Stroller by ContoursOur choice model: Contours Options LT Tandem Stroller by Contours - Full review
The Options LT is a great Tandem stroller because it is amazingly easy to operate and maintain. The lightweight stroller is easy to fold even when both seats are in the stroller. This makes stashing away the stroller when not being used that much easier.
The reversible seats allow your kids to face each other and socialize while being pushed around. This can lead to some amazing moments for when the kids are behaving. For other moments, the seats can be setup in stadium seating mode, which has the rear seat sitting higher up than the front.
The Contours Options is certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) so you know it can be trusted to keep your kids safe. The five point harness and padded headrest means your kids are going to be safe and comfortable. The Contours Options is a great tandem stroller than will make any fussy kid, or even parent, happy.

Double jogging stroller (Tandem type)

The best model: Baby Jogger City Select Stroller with 2nd Seat by Baby JoggerThe best model: Baby Jogger City Select Stroller with 2nd Seat by Baby Jogger
The Baby Jogger City Select stroller double is the best tandem double jogging stroller for almost any environment you may find yourself in. The solid construction means you will have a long lasting stroller that can stand up to active use. The multi position sun canopy means your kids are always covered when the bright sun is shining down (or you’re caught in a rainstorm). To further provide more comfort, the seats feature the ability to be placed in multiple positions.
The adjustable five point harness is padded for the ultimate in safety and comfort. There is also a multi position foot well that adds nice leg support for smaller kids. The seats are built with extra padding so that the passengers are treated to extra comfort.
Add in a large storage space under the seats for carrying all of what one would need when travelling about and the Baby Jogger City Select Stroller shapes up to be the best double running stroller for active lifestyle use.
Top budget model: InStep Safari Double Tandem Stroller (16-Inch, Blue) by InStepTop budget model: InStep Safari Double Tandem Stroller (16-Inch, Blue) by InStep
Looking for a good budget jogger stroller? Then you cannot go wrong with the InStep Safari Double Tandem Stroller. The Safari is a nicely made tandem stroller that is built with 12” front and 16” rear pneumatic tires. These allow for a very nice ride even when moving at higher speeds and on varied terrain. When moving the stroller controls well and can move in and out of most tight conditions with minimal effort.
The Individual floating canopies provide the passengers with optimum coverage for almost any conditions. The Instep Safari offers car seat integration for maximum convenience. For those concerned about the weight of their baby gear, this stroller is a bit heavier than comparable strollers. Just something to think about.
Overall the InStep Safari is a good budget model if you are on the market for an active lifestyle stroller. It is a great stroller for moving, and keeping control, across almost any type of terrain.
Our choice model: Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller with Free Doubles Kit by phil&tedsOur choice model: Phil and Teds Vibe Stroller with Free Doubles Kit by phil&teds
The Vibe stroller is a great piece of baby gear to add to your parenting collection. The seats are ergonomically designed and have extra padding for maximum comfort. Furthermore, the seats are built to adjust to any position desired. The seat material is built with 300 denier fabric that reduces tears from getting worse.
Babies strapped into the Vibe can feel secure (ok, make that the parents) with the five point harness. The harness system is easily adjustable for maximum comfort. One thing to be aware of with this stroller is that storage space is minimal. This can be mitigated by external storage solutions, but for the price of this model one would hope for more storage.
Even with the minimal storage factor, the Vibe is a nice stroller that stresses comfort for the passenger while maintaining their safety while traveling.

Double umbrella stroller (Tandem type)

The best model: Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller, Element by ChiccoThe best model: Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller, Element by Chicco
With a strong and well-made aluminum frame, the Cortina Chicco double stroller is a great tandem stroller for transporting two tiny passengers. The benefit of the aluminum frame is it reduces the weight of the stroller while still maintaining the stroller’s strength.
The JPMA Cortina offers the ability to accept a KeyFit car seat in both front and rear positions. The exclusive forward folding front seat allows for attaching the KeyFit seat without the need for any straps or bars. This is a great feature that most other Tandem strollers do not offer. However, to take advantage of this feature, the car seats have to be KeyFit compatible to be able to fit on the stroller.
This model of Chicco double strollers has independently adjustable canopies and plush padding for increased comfort. And for those kids up on the latest fashion, the tailored yarn-dye woven jacquard fabrics means the will be riding in style.
Top budget model: Kinderwagon Tandem Umbrella Stroller by KinderwagonTop budget model: Kinderwagon Tandem Umbrella Stroller by Kinderwagon
For the best double stroller purchase on a budget, the Kinderwagon is a great buy. This lightweight aluminum framed stroller is comfortable to not only push, but the toddlers who ride in it are also going to enjoy it.
The Kinderwagon has a sturdy build that allows riders up to 50 lbs in both the front and rear seats. Most other tandem strollers allow between 30 lbs and 40 lbs. The rear seat reclines to 130 degrees for maximum comfort. The front seat has a two position reclining position and two leg rest positions.
The one touch double brakes provide an extra level of security when the stroller is in use. The front wheels can lock into a straight position for extra control while on varied terrain or a full out jog. The wheels when left unlocked in the full swivel position allows for maximum maneuverability around obstacles. The stroller folds up into a compact form for storage or transport.
Our choice model: Graco Quattro Tour Duo Classic Connect Stroller, Vance by GracoOur choice model: Graco Quattro Tour Duo Classic Connect Stroller, Vance by Graco The Graco Quattro gets high marks for one major reason: the one hand gravity fold. With the push of a button, the Quattro collapses down into transport position. This is a really cool feature on one of the best double strollers made by Graco.
The Quattro can hold toddlers up to 50 pounds in the front seat, unlike other strollers that muster 40 pounds. The Quattro offers a heavy duty suspension for smooth ride and its front wheels can be locked for better control and the one touch foot brakes make you feel even more secure.
As for storage, the Quattro offers plenty of it for both the parents and kids. An easy to access drop down basket can be opened without waking a reclined toddler. And for a perfect level of convenience, the Quattro accepts Graco’s SnugRide classic Connect Infant Car seats or SafeSeat car seat. If you use these models, then the Quattro is even a better fir for you.

Sit and Stand Double Stroller

double stroller sit and stand png ribbonLike the name says, a sit and stand stroller allows older kids to either sit or stand on a rear platform. The front of the stroller is reserved for the younger infant toddler. These are the best double stroller especially for families where the kids are separated by a few years in age. The infant would rest in the front, while the more energetic toddler could sit or stand in the rear of the stroller.
Should you be considering this style of stroller consider the durability of the stroller because a standing toddler will stress almost any piece of gear.
The best model: Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller, Brownie by JoovyThe best model: Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller, Brownie by Joovy
This is the best double stroller because it earns it name with a weight of just 21 pounds. With a light weight and flexible construction, the Joovy double stroller Caboose is extremely maneuverable. The light weight also means the operator can push the stroller with just one hand.
Your kids will enjoy a smooth ride thanks to the Caboose’s suspension and solidly constructed wheels. Plus, your older kids will enjoy the feeling of independence they gain from being out of the seat and standing on the patented Stand-On-Tandem platform.
The Caboose’s 600D nylon fabric construction is both solidly constructed and easy to clean for those times when spills happen. It will take a seriously determined child to damage the fabric on this stroller. This is an all around well designed stroller.
The Caboose offers the growing family a great stroller that will meets their current and future needs.
Top budget model: Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller, Blueberry by JoovyTop budget model: Joovy Caboose Ultralight Stroller, Blueberry by Joovy
The Caboose Blueberry is a fantastic budget model from the Caboose line of strollers from Joovy. This is one of the lightest double strollers and is easy to push, break down, store and transport. This is a great all around stroller at a budget price.
Older kids will love the Joovy’s patented Stand-On-Tandem design because it means they can gain a sense of independence by being out of their seat and feeling “grown up.” The suspension and wheels on the Caboose Blueberry means your kids are going to enjoy the ride.
The Caboose Blueberry is remarkably light so parents do not have to feel dread about lugging the stroller around when not in use. This lightweight construction also means that the stroller is easier to control. This ease of control also means being able to maneuver around with ease and confidence.
So if you are looking for the best double stroller, keep the Caboose Blueberry in mind.

Our choice model: Joovy Ergo Caboose Tandem Stroller Black by JoovyOur choice model: Joovy Ergo Caboose Tandem Stroller Black by Joovy
The Ergo is one of the best double stroller made by Joovy and is also a fantastic sit and stand tandem stroller that will make a parent’s life easier. First off their kids are going to enjoy the ride thanks to the twin pistons on the front wheels that will make the trip smooth. Plus, this also makes it smoother for parents push around. Users will find that the Ergo maneuvers well and is a great all terrain double stroller. The kids will be kept well stabilized.
For the front rider, the mesh fabric on the ergonomically designed seat is extremely breathable so comfort is increased because the passenger will not overheat. The stroller comes with a universal car seat adapter for placing a car seat in the back position. Once the car seat is no longer needed, the standing platform is perfect for the older child to feel more independent.
Another major plus for the parent is that the Ergo has plenty of storage space scattered around the stroller. This means that any necessities can be within easy reach.

Final Thoughts

When deciding how to choose a stroller, one wants the best double stroller. The new parent (or experienced parent for that matter) should consider a few things.
1. Quality – This is important because the better a stroller is made, the safer it will usually be. Having a wheel fall of while out and about is not the way anyone wants to go. Check the stroller brands to get a sense of quality.
2. Safety features – Consider what features the stroller has for the safety of your child. Harnesses, restraint bars, etc. all equal up to a safe stroller.
3. Price – Do not automatically assume that the expensive strollers automatically are the best for quality and safety. Some of the lower cost strollers could potentially be safer because the bells and whistles of pricier models are not included (or needed). However do not settle for cheap baby strollers. That way lays trouble.
One of the best ways to find the stroller you want is to read guides (like this one) and get other people’s opinions (everyone has one). Also, be sure to compare strollers before buying. Plus strollers reviews are your friend.
A stroller is an important purchase because it will probably be used a lot during its lifetime. A well-made stroller will last you a long time.